How could my company benefit?
The list of benefits is as long and varied as it is simple and complex:-
- The pre-loading of goods, whilst the truck is away delivering.
- The best use of driver skills, delivering goods.
- Avoiding loading during unsocial hours at premium wage rates.
- A reduction in energy costs by restricting loading hours.
- Less pressure on the driver to finish early for loading at the warehouse.
- The reduction in vehicle numbers due to better utilisation.
- Less rushed loading, hence potentially less damage and mistakes.
- The demountable body becomes an extension of the warehouse.
- Use of demountable body as a ‘stockless’ depot for out-based final distribution vehicles.
- Reduction or elimination of expensive satellite warehousing and associated labour costs.
- The ability to trunk high volumes to smaller final distribution vehicles for delivery without trans-shipping the goods.
- Use of small final distribution vehicles in urban areas.
- Split loads for different out based destinations.
- Dual purpose drawbar prime mover trunking at night and delivering during the day.
- High volume long distance trunking to remote areas using a drawbar as self-serving second load provider for distribution by the prime mover.
- Having different body types for specific applications.
- Body damage can be repaired without taking the chassis out of service.
- Easier access for vehicle maintenance.